Mozilla will release the latest version of its popular open-source Web browser Firefox 3.5 on today. Mozilla has release 3 RC (Release Candidates) already for its latest version. It is expected that the download will cross more than one billion. The Firefox 3.5 is expected to have the following features

• Private Browsing Mode
• Location Aware Browsing
• Downloadable fonts support
• HTML 5 support

You can find more details at

Whenever the Quartz scheduler is deployed in spring framework, by default 10 worker threads will start during the application startup. This causes high memory consumption and leads to memory overflow errors. This can be solved by overwriting the built-in quartz properties of spring.xml file. (Use Thread pool concept) as shown below

<property name="quartzProperties" >
<props >
<prop key="org.quartz.threadPool.class"> org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool</prop >
<prop key="org.quartz.threadPool.threadCount" >1</prop >
<prop key="org.quartz.threadPool.threadPriority" >5</prop >
</props >
</property >

An alternate Garbage collector is introduced for Java called G1 Garbage Collector. It’s believed to be the best replacement for the existing CMS (Concurrent Mark Sweep) Garbage Collector.
The advantages are

• Reduces fragmentation to achieve more-consistent long-term operation
• Improved efficiency through compaction on heap first
• Smoother pause time

For more detailed information see