JEHA Framework

Posted by John Peter Nagavelu | 8:38 AM

JEHA stands for Java Exception HAnder Framework.
It has released its 1.0 version.
Advantage of this framework is that it helps the developers to simply gives the annotation on their method and forgot everything else on the exception handling.
For more detailed information, please visit

  1. Dhirendra Kumar July 21, 2009 at 11:25 PM  

    Nice, JEHA framework is new and not any good tutorials on net. I Googled but not get any fruitful tutorials except theserverside blog. If you have any experience in JEHA then please share with us. Expecting some basic and advance examples.


    Dhirendra Kumar

  2. John Peter Nagavelu August 15, 2009 at 9:23 PM  

    Dear Dhirendra Kumar,

    I will get you as much as possible information sooner. Thanks for the response.

    John Peter Nagavelu.